Nuplug is the renewing of the mind, the death of old habits and the birth of a Nu You. It’s where Fashion intertwines with Positivity, Accountability, Self-Love and Growth. In order to become a Nuplug one must first unplug from any and every negative thing that hinders one’s Growth. Fashion is good, but Fashion with a purpose is even Better. Dress with the intent to Inspire, Motivate and help others to develop into the best version of themselves. You can join the Nuplug family by simply being a positive outlet in a negative world..

Where I’m from clothes and self-esteem go hand in hand. What you wore dictated how you felt about yourself. I’ve always loved fashion. But I grew up not being able to afford name brands so my self-esteem took a hit. I wore a lot of hand me downs and learned how to be the class clown in order to mask my situation. Fast forward at around 12 or 13 years old I begin to hustle in order to afford better clothes, shoes etc. It was never suppose to be a long term thing but before I knew it, it was all I knew how to do. I became the PLUG. The clothes we wore gave us status, respect and admiration. It was something new to me and quite addictive. Even though the clothes made me feel better about myself I discovered I hated the attention that came along with it. I was hustling to fill a void but meanwhile another void was developing. I’ve always had this relationship with God that I couldn't explain but the lifestyle I adopted was putting a strain on it. I didn’t completely cut him off I guess you can say I dealt with him occasionally. Fast forward I caught a charge and was sentenced to prison. There is where I discovered that everything and everyone I put before him couldn’t do anything for me. Now that I no longer had any distractions, I was able to rekindle my relationship with God. But not only that, I got back to doing what I love best, writing. I begin writing a book and developed my first clothing line called "Arrogant". I was released in 2007, I dibbled and dabbled but never finished developing the brand or the book. But In 2020 I took a leap of faith and came up with Nuplug. Nuplug was my way of saying I wanted to correct what I did to my community as the Old Plug. It was a play on words. As for the quotes I put on my clothes, it was me completing the book I never finished meanwhile motivating others the way the Bible does.